BS54-TX04 TX SCR (A) Seek Glory/(B) Diving Rousing Spear, Longo Minias


Seek Glory

This card's reduction symbol is also treated as red/purple/green/white/blue.

During this turn, 1 opposing Spirit/Ultimate receives BP-7000, and if it becomes BP0, destroyed it.

(Rebirth)[When you have 5 counters or less (Rebirth cannot be used at the same time)]
When this Magic effect destroys an opposing Spirit/Ultimate, you may flip this Magic card. Then, brave this post-rebirth Brave to your Spirit or send 1 core from your Spirits/reserve to remain as a Spirit form.


Diving Rousing Spear, Longo Minias

Family: Sword Blade/Origin

When this side is flipped up, it remains on the Field and increase your counter is +1

[LV1](When this Brave rebirths)
During this turn, your life can only be reduced by 1 from the attacks of opposing Spirit/Ultimate.

[Brave Condition: Cost 5 or Higher]

[While Braved]
Treat this Spirit as 1 Lv higher. In addition if you have 3 or more counters, this Spirit gains 1 additional god symbol. 

Translations provided by World Of Cards.